Of frogs and wheels
We got worried about the tippiness of Jonas' beloved red tricycle. So, we fell back on a classic in American Polymer Playthings...

Yesterday, we went to the bike path so that he could actually ride the thing. The rumble of the hollow plastic wheels nearly sent shivers up my spine. I had all these kinesthetic memories come flooding back, about the feeling of the weight on my arms, and the way the front wheel gradually finds traction as you start out (and the rear wheels rapidly lose traction as you spin out). Sam, on the other hand, didn't need to rely on memory:

Of course, there were other attractions on the way. Most of the bullfrogs we saw had reached a significant size. Jonas delighted in reaching in and spooking them so that they would jump away.

Sam and Jonas together found a pod of milkweed. They scattered the downy seeds to the wind, dedicating the flight "to Mannah!!"

I found great delight in shooting my amateurish nature shots. Digital is perfect for me; money and chemicals should be reserved for Jodie and others with more talent!

It was one of those perfect outings that people are remembering when they say to us "Enjoy this part, it goes by so fast". Of course, they don't remember that the little rider loses interest and one of you carries the boy while the other carries the bigwheel much of the way back :-) There is a Calvin and Hobbes about "How come these 'walks' so often turn out to be 'rides'". Once again, life mimic art.

Yesterday, we went to the bike path so that he could actually ride the thing. The rumble of the hollow plastic wheels nearly sent shivers up my spine. I had all these kinesthetic memories come flooding back, about the feeling of the weight on my arms, and the way the front wheel gradually finds traction as you start out (and the rear wheels rapidly lose traction as you spin out). Sam, on the other hand, didn't need to rely on memory:

Of course, there were other attractions on the way. Most of the bullfrogs we saw had reached a significant size. Jonas delighted in reaching in and spooking them so that they would jump away.

Sam and Jonas together found a pod of milkweed. They scattered the downy seeds to the wind, dedicating the flight "to Mannah!!"

I found great delight in shooting my amateurish nature shots. Digital is perfect for me; money and chemicals should be reserved for Jodie and others with more talent!

It was one of those perfect outings that people are remembering when they say to us "Enjoy this part, it goes by so fast". Of course, they don't remember that the little rider loses interest and one of you carries the boy while the other carries the bigwheel much of the way back :-) There is a Calvin and Hobbes about "How come these 'walks' so often turn out to be 'rides'". Once again, life mimic art.

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