Sunday, November 12, 2006

Step in to our...

I have no excuse for blogging instead of getting my work done at this moment.

I just can't resist jumping on to note that Jonas and I are happily holed up in our newly re-worked office while the rain comes down outside. He's watching his beloved "land before time" on the headphones on the laptop from Scott, while I should be working...

We're so lucky to have such generous people in our lives! We just don't have the extra capacity to be overhauling anything, even our most vital workspace. So our eternal thanks to Tom B. who made the epic trek to Ikea with us, and spent long hours assembling the bounty with me. And to Ilana, whose propensity for organizing just might actually be a match for the chaos quotient around here, and to J and J's many grandparents, who have offerred timely play dates while sam and I struggled to get this place in order.

We really do appreciate your help more than you can know!



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