Important questions in life

Hi Scott
Jonas wants to know how much Yoda weighs. You got any inside info on that front?
Well. On which planet Jonas? Planets with different sizes and density have different gravitational forces.
I'll ask my friends on the ILM forum, that should be entertaining.
Here are my favorite responses from my friends at ILM.
(There were like 100 of them... lol.)
"The puppet stood 3'9". With the weight of the entire force on his shoulders, I would estimate him at 25lbs."
"the geek answer: Yoda's accepted height is about 3'9". Assuming that Yoda is made of more or less the same sort of 'stuff' that humans are made of, that height and his relative physique correspond roughly to that of a six year old human boy. That 'average' boy weighs about 40 pounds. Now, Yoda's old, so there might be some middle-age spread going on under that cloak, and surely, in his prime, he was in pretty decent physical shape, and muscle weighs more than fat. So I think it would be safe to peg his weight at approx 45 to 50 lbs. " [This would make him about Jonas' current size, probably a little heavier -imc]
"I would think that if you asked Yoda his weight his answer would be... (everyone join in now)
“Judge me by my weight do you?”
AND my personal favorite:
"Frank Oz once told me that the puppet weighed 30 lbs."
There you go Jonas, all from the people that made Yoda "real".
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