Do or do not -- there is no try

If there ever was a kid event worthy of a photo-ridden blog, it would be trick or treating :-)

Mark and Ilana were kind enough to host the event, even so close upon the heels of Liza's arrival!

It was an excellent neighborhood for trick or treating, with many other kids out, and cheerful people at the doors. The only scary moment was when our little Yoda ran into Darth Vader. We discovered that he had not generalized his experience of "kid in costume" to all the other characters on the street.

Finally, it was time to return to the Beigels' to count the loot. The kids were just old enough to enjoy the bounty, but not old enough to hoard (which meant that the parents could share in the haul!)...

Holy sh*t that is like the cutest thing imaginable. Hopefully they won't have used up their cuteness before Christmas. There better be some left for the Untle!
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