Missing for a long time

It has been a long dry spell for the Camera Cam blog. Two is more than twice one, I would say.
The real action is over at our new niece/cousin's blog, (drum roll please), Welcome Ella Jayne
She really is the cutest thing not yet on two feet, and we can't wait to meet her. Of course, we have met her on web cam, but she was kind of pixelated. We're hoping she outgrows that soon ;-)
We have been doing well. Jonas starts Kindergarten on Thursday, or "Science School"
as we call it. He is going to Mountain Brook, where Emma went years ago. We are all very excited.
Julian is walking constantly, his favorite thing to do is to go up and down slopes, hills, ramps, anything that offers a little challenge. He loves to sing and dance, his favorite song being Happy BA! (Happy birthday, slightly truncated), which he began singing when we celebrated Uncle Eli's birthday. He will start singing/crowing this little ditty whenever music plays, or he sees a candle. He even generalized this to the tea light in the quartz/ amethyst centerpiece that Mana gave to Jonas for his birthday the other day, which looks very little like any cake that I've ever seen.
Jonas loves puns. Finally, a gene of mine showing up other than his large cranium. After we watched A Fairy Tale, I said "Jonas, I'm very glad..." at which point he looked up at me and cut me off, saying "*Fairy glad*, get it?" Makes his old dad proud! There have been many others, but I'm too tired to remember them. Oh, yes, "emma-ade" to drink just before she came over to play was a favorite of his.
We're just home from Family Camp, where we made a lot of dirty laundry and had a really good time! The loons on the lake were a high point for Me, Sam, and Jonas. Julian was not amused -- for the first couple of nights he would wake from a dead sleep when they called, and he would start wailing. Mana observes that it is a very eerie and distress-laden sound, if one doesn't know better. Reminds me of his brother's early reaction to bluegrass, and anything else in a minor key.
Things I wonder:
1. Why is it that a child suddenly, in a moment, looks so tall? I can be looking at Jonas, (or certainly his long/tall friends Reid and Soren), and one minute they look just like I expect, and the next they look like they've stretched 6 inches overnight? Anyone else have this experience? Seems to happen more once they escape from the scourge of diapers.
2. I get that our children provide new names for family members; Mana, Mimi, Unta Eni.
But should the parents really cave in to calling each other "Momma" or "mother" and "Daddy" or "Dada"? I feel Sam and I losing our regular names, and it feels creepy, except that I remember my mother's parents referring to each other as Mother and Daddy in conversation and it seemed like one of the sweetest things ever.
Oh, better hit the hay.
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