Intro to Camera Cam

Greetings friends and family. I am attempting to create a blog that can capture/present/record some of our family escapades, particularly having to do with Jonas "the Bandit" Camera, our beloved little boy. I hope this will be the electronic version of the little book in which we record funny comments and stories, with which I intend to regale his prom date in about 15 years or so.
I am particularly interested in figuring out how to post pictures with this blog. That will have to come next.
This weekend so far has been particularly delicious, which left Sam and I wondering why? I think it was because I was supposed to be working in the hospital today, but I was cancelled. Like a snow day in September! We went to the pumpkin harvest at our farm, and visited with friends Annie and Jordan who dropped by. Jonas continues in the good mood he has exhibited since Thursday, which has also contributed to our feeling of contentment. He chatted a blue streak out on the swings today, which was a pleasure.
Favorite question of the day "which is faster, a race car or a motorcycle?" This we will have to pose to his Uncle Scott, or perhaps PopPop Bruce.
I guess I better wrap this entry up and see if it really posts!