Sunday, March 23, 2008

Topics of conversation


Jonas continues to be a fantastic big brother. Entertaining, protective, nurturing. He's enjoying the role so much that he's been imploring Sam to have another baby. "How about a sister?" asked Sam's grandmother. "No, I want another brother" says Jonas. Much as his pleas are endearing, I don't think they're going to be realized.

Julian is reaching a new level of conversational sophistication. Saturday we were all supposed to go to Amelia's birthday party, but Julian had woken up with a cough that could earn him protection under the Federal Marine Mammal Protection Act. He and I stayed behind, in spite of the fact that he seemed to feel fine. When you show up at a kids' birthday party with a snot-nosed toddler making that noise, you're likely to get your tires slashed by the parent of a kid who just got over the last nasty cold.

Sam and Jonas had been gone for an hour or so when I grew suspicious. "Julian, did you poop?".

"No. Jonas fawt."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Impromptu Birthday

Aww, isn't he photogenic?

So, sometimes we just have to seize the moment. So it was with Mark's birthday party earlier tonight. Last minute, after-dinner, almost an afterthought (the inclusion of the Cameras at the event, that is).

The cake, made by Ilana and Amelia, was fantastic. What would we expect?

The hat, from Aunt Kirsten, was the perfect touch, as you can see!