Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sounding a wee bit like my mother...

Coming to the end of an idyllic afternoon:

I: Let's wash your face.
Pause while "I" thinks
I:'Cause you've had a busy day.
J:(politely) That doesn't make any sense.

It will, Jonas. In about 25 years or so.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Current shots of the boys

Jonas, as you can see, is having a Peter Pan fetish at the moment, which has been rather well supported in the costume deparment by his Mana. Also by Pop and Mimi, who took him to a local regional theater production of the play (I'm not sure he'll ever be the same).

Julian is entering phase three clinical trials on topical absorption of beta carotene. I'll let you imagine the sound effect for the other shot.

Two recent birthdays

We celebrated Dad's big 60 in January (better Nate than Lever, as Grandpa would say). There was much merriment, *and* the presentation of some excellent artwork (as you can see) have to visit S. Deerfield to see the whole collection.

We also recently help Meiyi celebrate her birthday. One of the highlights was a game created by her brother, Reid, in which the kids got to collect candy by chopstick (as seen in the pic above). What a fantastic creation!

Perhaps the "best in show" is this shot of Marv and Dottie, two of the Birthday Girl's grandparents

Here's the birthday girl, looking mighty fine, herself!

Can you guess...

...which of these pictures was taken in January in Massachusetts this year? If you said "all of the above" you'd be right! The warm weather shots were from a delightful walk we took with the Campbell Flynns during the warm part of the month (in case you couldn't recognize those little lion cubs in the grass). The skating shots are from a welcome visit with Jesse & Ben and kiddos at Jonathan and Jude's excellent pond. What a month of contrasts!

Our little obsession

Jonas and I are a wee bit obsessed with a vehicle under development in California called the Venture One. Watching the little video clips on their website made us so excited we had to go work up our own prototypes on our favorite 3D modelling platform...

Julian, the Snaggletoothed, Slobberpuss Hooligan

If you click on this photo, to get the really big version, I hope you can make out his first tooth, which was all alone for a while. Now he's got another one right next to it!

Next in the series of conversations I didn't expect yet

Recently Jonas and his friend Eli were talking about Star Wars. Eli has watched the movies, and displays an impressive command of the plot lines. Anyway, they got to talking about the Clone Wars, and had questions about the concept of "clone". I explained the science of it, and mentioned that in real life, we clone animals like mice and sheep.

A day or two later, Jonas spoke up, "Dad, are you going to clone me for when I get old and die?"


Thursday, March 15, 2007

A brief foray into politics...on behalf of a very special guy

Long Time No Post!

Suffice to say that two kids and two homework laden jobs is enough to push us right to the edge of crisis mode most of the time. Blogging will get better this summer, I think.

But I just can't resist the impulse to jump on an write a quick post about Ger's candidacy for the Select Board. I spent a few hours helping to publish other people's words about him, and it's made me itch to speak my own words, where anyone might read them...

Two observations:

1. It's not often that one gets to know a candidate for 30 years before voting for him.

2. Having someone become your step parent is perhaps one of the most intense ways to get to know someone that there is -- and it is not an easy way, either. In our case, having Ger arrive in my life when I was 5 or so was one of the best things that every happened to me!

I fervrently (sp?) recommend Ger on both fronts. It is corny, but true, that many of the traits that have made him such a fantastic parent to me and Eli, also make him such a fantastic member of our town government. I think this is particularly true of him, because he is so consistently himself, no matter where he is or who he's talking to. This characteristic is only one of many contrasts between Ger and the political status quo that so sadly fills our world at the moment.

What are the traits that I have admired and benefitted from so much? He thinks clearly, listens as only a therapist can, does more homework on any issue than anyone I know (witness his research into the tax realities facing our town, as was revealed by the candidate's forum on WFCR a while back when the other candidates all deferred to his position on the issue), has dedicated his life to human services and social justice, and follows his moral compass all the way to prison when civil disobedience is the only route left.

In a realm where single issues divide our populace and overheat our discussions (soccer fields, developement issues, parking garages, etc), Ger is one of the few people who will listen intently to any argument, and (if the argument is clear and strong) will actually change his mind on things. While most of us (and I include myself in this statement) make decisions on instincts, habits, social pressure, and then select our facts to suit our positions, Ger simply studies the issue and does what is fair, respectful, and logical.

So lay aside whatever your hotbutton issue is at this moment. What you really want is someone on the selectboard for the next three years who will burn the midnight oil researching his own position, listen very carefully to your position, and make the right decision for his town, his grandchildren, his earth, his neighbors.

Now, he has spent so much time on town government of late that I'm tempted to make donations to all his competitors and hire the swift boat veterans to torpedo his campaign, just so we don't have to share him with all of you so much. However, my desire to live in a thriving hometown overcomes my baser instincts :-)

One final thought -- one of his passions is to bring people together, and to work accross boundaries that have divided (and still divide) many other people. In case there is any doubt of his ability to accomplish this, I will share one of my favorite family photos of all times. This is a shot of my son Jonas a couple of years ago, happily towing my father and stepfather into the back yard to play. A couple of years later, and Jonas still doesn't really understand what an uncommon opportunity he enjoys. When ever I look at that picture, however, I see the incredible poise, compassion, and maturity that I and my boys continue to benefit from. Ger really does forge bonds where others would see divisions, and he honestly enjoys the relationships that result.

So take it from me, who has known him as well as anyone could for the past 30 years. It's too late for you to have him as your stepdad, but you can still have him on your select board!