Sunday, August 31, 2008

Julian's previous life...

The other night, just before going to sleep, Julian shared a bit of his personal history with Sam:

"When I was older, I raced green Corvettes".

?! :-)

Puppy minus 5 days, and counting

Or should that be Pee minus five days?
We pick up our puppy on Saturday, after Jonas' first soccer outing.

Sam has carefully screened the litter, and picked out the one that seems calmest, and very friendly (with significant input from Cyndy, their breeder).

Today Sam made the introductions.

It is going to be a big change for this little puppy, who is part of a cute little pack at the moment.

However, Julian appears well-qualified to help him feel at home.

We are still bandying about some name possibilities. If you jump in now, you might get to sway the outcome:

Dobby (you all remember him, don't you?) is high on the list. Also Leo (Shih-Tzu's are mythically linked to lions), and Tito (Italian for "Huge").

Here are some more obscure possibilities, with explanatory links.


of Dark Crystal fame (thank you, Jim Henson)

or Gizmo

which isn't an exact visual match, but I think the association is pretty clear.

Then there are the choices inspired by George Lucas, which perhaps are the best visual match:



(scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Any strong opinions?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Recent news

So, Jonas is 6! How exciting. Emma called (thank you, skype out) to wish him the best, even though it's tomorrow in Indonesia. ?? She's posting to her blog, see the link on the right!

Our bikes, and Jonas' birthday, made it into my very favorite bike blog. Please follow the link and see all the excellent writing, and beautiful pictures of fabulous two and three wheeled vehicles.

Happy birthday, Jonas!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A perfect little moment

For a perfect little boy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

PIctures from this summer (more to come)

Turn Arounds

I've been thinking lately about the juxtapositions when you reverse certain possibilities. I think it is sometimes revealing. Sometimes it's what makes the satire from The Onion so potent. For instance:


Wouldn't we be crazy to develop solar power further if this were possible? "Expensive, sure, but we have our own silicon, and someday we'll figure out how to dispose of it when we're done with it, and we can keep it safe from terrorists. I mean, we've had vehicles full of explosive fuel around for decades and our security systems have protected those from mis-use very effectively..."
