Sunday, September 14, 2008

More Summer Pictures (as promised)

As the summer wraps up, it seems like time to come back to a couple more summer pictures. These include a wonderful walk at the Hitchcock center with Anita, a trip to the Pond at Meghan's neighbor's house (thank you, Peter and Phyllis!), and our lovely outing to Lighthouse Point in New Haven.

The young mad scientist

Our friend Jerry Jarvis (now husband of Susan Towle Jarvis) gave Jonas his student microscope. This morning Jonas and I took it out and started to explore the world of Very Small Things.

Our specimens included:

• A mosquito larva
• The ragged end of a blade of grass
• Onion skin (a classic in yellow and red varieties)
• Pollen from the gorgeous bouquet that Susan and Jerry gave us after the wedding

I think the biggest hit was the larva, because it was active! An experience teaches the lesson that higher magnification is not always the best thing...

Thanks to ⌘C⌘V for the bullets!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Puppy Pictures

With pictures like these, who needs words?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Off to Kindergarten

So Jonas had Mana, Zaide, and Pop present to put him on the bus. Here's the video I've got so far.

Mana was making a valiant attempt to find out when we would get our dear boy home again. Turns out that last on also means last off, so the afternoon ride is looonnng. So far, Jonas doesn't mind.

Monday, September 01, 2008

School bus, and big boy pants.

Jonas rides the school bus for the first time tomorrow, off to his first day of Kindergarten. Of course, the program that he did (and loved so much) last year at Mountain Brook was a kindergarten curriculum, but it wasn't what most of us picture. This is the real deal, down to the cafeteria and the lunch money (well, lunch box for now), and playground, and school pictures (OMG).

Sam and I will be at our respective institutions surfing the chaos that begins every school year, so some of his doting grandparents will be there to see him off (Mana and Pop, to be exact). The rest of us will have to hope for some pictures!

Not to be outdone, Julian has escaped from his diapers for all but sleeping at night (yes, even during naps!). Whoo hoo! Of course, he and Jonas can wear the same size of boxer-briefs. They're a little baggy on Julian (2T, for those who know about kid sizes), but luckily Sam knows where to find such things. Just the sort of task she had in mind for herself when we met, don't you think?

Julian responds to sweets already, so gummies have replaced the temporary tattoos that had Jonas looking like a biker who had shrunk in the dryer at this stage. Julian's even used the potty at Mana's house, and at Whole Foods. Remember Jonas' commentary on that particular plumbing?