Saturday, December 26, 2009

McCamWeiss Christmas 09

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Quality time at the breakfast table

On a family snow day...

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Julian, apparently, calls these...

Mana gave us a really cool paper punch kit

...and Julian and Sam made me a lovely collage!

Christmas lists

Jonas spent some time writing Christmas lists. One is his, the other is one for the rest of the family.

Here are some hints for what is written there.  Several of Jonas' items can be found hereThis will explain the entry for my list.  Oh, and this

Julian seemed to give Jonas a list of things he liked that were visible in the room, mostly.

What happened to Sam's?  He got distracted.  Luckily, I compiled one for her.  She never knows what she wants for Christmas. 

Jonas' list:

Other people's list:

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Quick- Think up a word that starts with "F", works as many different parts of speech, and makes people laugh.

Now, assume you are seven.

Julian, this morning... response to a beautiful pair of striped socks picked out by Sam:

"I"m not wearing those socks.  They're too wobbly".

They appeared to be a bit big for him.  Further questioning didn't reveal what exactly that meant.